Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rainy day in Guangzhou

I really loved reading my honey's blog.  Very nice job and very well said.  As I have watched Katy and see her blossom in front of my eyes I am also thankful that God chose me to do this.  It is so tiring, energy giving, draining, exciting all in one package.  That is adoption in a nutshell.  About the time you think, wow this is hard, your child tells everyone around that I am her mama.  You see, she has never been able to tell anyone that.  She has never had a mama to wash her hair and hold her hand crossing the street.  She hasn't had a dad that she gets so excited to talk to on Skype.  She hasn't had a big sister to give her piggy back rides down the hall and she hasn't had food that she can eat whenever she is hungry.  She has never been able to say Good morning, Mama when she wakes up in the morning.  She has all of that plus so much more that she can't even imagine.  It is so worth the small sacrifice that we have made to complete this adoption.  Life is very, very good.  I will ask for prayers for the adjustment into our large family to go smoothly. Katy has a strong personality.  She walks into any room and tries to tell everyone what needs to be happening.  Now I do know someone in our family that might tend to be like this also.  I won't mention names but his initials are SSS and it isn't Sam.  I love you Scott.  Oops.  Katy told everyone on our bus the other day that they were dismissed.  She is a hoot.  Here are a few photos of our outing today.

Walking with friends.

I found this photo of MeiLi's adoption trip in 2009.  

The kids back at home.  Boy do I miss them.

This is a photo of Katy 1 year ago.  She is so small and sad looking.  This isn't the girl we have with us now.  Thank you Lord for transforming lives.  This photo was talked about for a long time in our orphanage Yahoo group. She was referred to as the girl with the red scarf. 

1 comment:

  1. Yep, girl in the red scarf. That sad face is what I know of her so to sit here now a year later and watch that sweet face come alive is absolutely remarkable. You go mama! Your doing a great job! So much of her behaviors are a product of modeling what happened in that foster home. Well guess what?! She gets years and years and YEARS now to observe behaviors of a totally different kind. Your kids and your large family will be replacing all of that by modeling love, and patience, and JOY. It will become a part of her eventually. There is redemption in store!!
